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We are so happy you're here!


Our MAS families are an essential part of what makes our school community so special.


At MAS, all families are automatically part of our Parent Teacher Association.  

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The special tiger spirit of our MAS community is why our children love to come to school, why they get excited when they see MAS magnets on cars around town, why they are flourishing students and kind citizens. 


Every year we come together with the teachers and administration to create this fun, inclusive, safe, welcoming and supportive community that is MAS.  


The primary way for parents to partner with the school and create this strong community is through the events and opportunities organized by the PTA.  We work with you to:


  • Bring dynamic experiences directly to students: professional performances, interactive artist-in residence programs and field trips, multi-week reading and science programming and more.​


  • Host fun community building events: Back-to-School Picnic, Halloween Spooktacular, Family Fun Night, parent events, staff appreciation experiences, and more.​


  • Provide grants to the staff and administration to pay for playground equipment, outdoor classroom, indoor/outdoor recess supplies, enrichment materials for the classroom and more.​


  • Provide opportunities for all families to engage with their child’s education through planning and informational meetings, Q&A forums, volunteering, weekly informational emails, events and more.


You can help strengthen our entire school community by sharing just a little bit of your time and talent with us! Whether it's volunteering once for half an hour, participating regularly, or leading a committee, we welcome your support! We have a variety of opportunities to get involved, including in-person and virtually.


Any and all forms of participation are welcomed, encouraged and appreciated! 


At MAS, we consider all families to be members of the MAS PTA. While it is not necessary to pay PTA membership dues to participate, we encourage you to join as a paid PTA member in support of our organization and its mission. Learn more about becoming a dues-paying member and why this is a critical support for our school. 



Learn our school song!

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Did you know our students sing the school song every Friday during morning line up? Learn it as a family by listening to Mr. DelGaudio's video here!

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