January 27 - February 13
Calendar of Activities
Click on an image below to expand the calendar
Fundraising makes fundraising easy. You can text friends and family a link to your child’s reading/fundraising page, share on social media, send as an email and more!
Money raised during PARP will support assemblies, enrichment opportunities and other activities organized by the PTA - and of course, our spring Carnival Celebration to reward all of our readers!
Fundraising is not required in order to participate in PARP, and we are grateful for many ways families contribute their time and talent to the PTA.
If MAS reads 100,000 minutes or more during PARP, Mr. Janowitz has agreed to take on the Principal's Challenge at our closing ceremony on Friday, February 16th!
What's the Principal's Challenge? Well, that's up to YOU! Share a silly, crazy, wacky idea for Mr. Janowitz to choose from and be prepared for a hilarious event!
Principal Challenge
Looking for a good book? Our Cultural Committee has you covered! Check out the reading lists below:
Lunar New Year - English and Spanish